Donate to KUF

Thank you so much for donating to KUF. You have several options for how you can give, including PayPal, credit card, e-Transfer, and Cheque.


Donate via Canada Helps

Canada Helps is a charity that supports other Canadian charities by providing online donation options. (If you are using Canada Helps, please add 4% to your donation to cover the banking fees charged to KUF by this organization.)

Donate by PayPal or Credit Card

We use PayPal to accept credit card donations. You do not need a PayPal Account to donate with credit card. (If you are using PayPal, please add 4% to your donation to cover the banking fees charged to KUF by this organization.)

Donate by e-Transfer

Please send any e-transfer donations to the email account

Donate by Cheque

Please make cheques out to Kingston Unitarian Fellowship and mail to our office:

244 McMahon Avenue, 
Kingston ON K7M 3H2

Registered Charity

Charitable registration number 11898 2354 RR0001.

Charitable receipts for tax purposes will be issued early in the following year for cumulative donations of $20.00 or more.